Getting Started

Setting Up a Group Journey

Nature has a lot going on.  And so do you.  That’s why we make organizing a forest walk or time in nature on a farm or by the ocean or wherever you prefer for your group easy. We work with you to create the best experience for your specific needs.

  1. You see your group is disconnected.
  2. You call Blue Stone Journeys.
  3. We find and prepare the right site.
  4. Your team comes ready for a mini-vacation.
  5. We take a journey together.
  6. Your group returns home relaxed and rejuvenated.

Blue Stone Journeys is one of the few centers providing Nature Therapy for organizations. Similar shinrin-yoku practices are used, but with an eye to nourishing not only individual needs, but also building esprit de corps.

Is your team ready to take a journey into Nature?


So worth the time! Kirsten is a gifted Guide. She really makes the experience. By learning to use all of my senses more deliberately, I was able to connect to nature in many different ways.

Roamer, 8/27/18