About the Journey
What We Do
Blue Stone Journeys offers mindful walks through nature both live and via phone. Each walk is customized and pre-scouted based on the needs of the participants. The purpose of Nature Therapy walks is to help individuals tune back into their senses which are often lost due to the stress of modern-day living. Blue Stone Journeys offers a rich, mindful, experience for individuals by combating chronic illness, promotes greater wellbeing, and improves esprit de corps among teams.
Have You Lost Your Senses?
We take our senses for granted. Throughout the day, our senses are in such continuous overdrive we forget we are even using them. But maintaining healthy senses means healthier, happier living. When you walk with Blue Stone Journeys, you will learn how to reclaim these natural talents as part of your overall well-being.

We live in a highly visual world. We are so overwhelmed by images that we have stopped processing them. But visual perception, especially the ability to recognize and process color, is a key tool in our ability to understand the world around us. Nature Therapy helps you reclaim your vision so you can look for, see and understand more of your world.

We can detect over a trillion different odors at extremely far distances—a skill that in the past made it possible to track food, water and mates. Smell warns us of danger such as gas leaks, fire or rotten food. 80% of what we taste actually comes from what we smell.
Smell is closely linked to parts of the brain that process emotion and memory. Re-activating your sense of smell is an important part of the Blue Stone Journey process.

Our sense of taste plays an important role in maintaining nutrition, regulating appetite and monitoring immune processes. It is also connected to proper gastrointestinal function. You will exercise your taste buds along your journey as well.

The average adult can hear up to 65 feet away, making our hearing critical to keeping us safe from potential danger. Hearing also enables us to socialize, work and communicate. One important part of your walk will be sitting quietly and just listening. Among other things, it is a reminder that there are many layers of communication happening beyond what we first detect.

The sense of touch is one of our body’s most powerful ways of transmitting both painful and pleasing messages. Your Journey will allow you to re-activate this sense with hands-on exploring.