Who We Help

Communities We Serve

Esprit de corps is everything.  And naturally you want to foster a community in which everyone feels positive and productive.  But today’s modern environments make it challenging.  Blue Stone Journeys in MA, unlike other walking therapy programs, works directly with organizations to restore the well-being of the people within them. Our clients tend to fall into one of four areas:

  • Health Centers
    Centers are high-stress environments. Blue Stone Journeys works with both patients and care givers making it easy to alleviate some of the strain. Quarterly walks keep teams rested and responsive.
  • Corporations
    Nature Therapy started as a business management practice in Japan called shinrin-yoku to alleviate employee stress. In the US it is also known as forest bathing.  Blue Stone Journeys takes it a step further by offering different programs at all levels of an organization. We have several team programs, including year-long series of team walks, off-sites and corporate retreats.
  • Universities
    University life can be intense, regardless of whether you are taking exams or grading them.  We have easy-to-execute programs for students, professors and staff to defuse some of the pressure. We offer packages for multiple team walks.
  • Planned Communities
    We help both staff and members of planned living communities to keep their environment positive and relaxed.  Our programs, tailored to planned living communities, make Nature Therapy easy to organize and participate in. A walking series gives participants something to look forward to.

Our Programs

For Work

Blue Stone Journeys creates special journeys for corporate retreats. The walks, and their themes, can be independent from or integrated into the overall meeting agenda.

For Play

Have a special occasion in mind? Birthday celebration? Wedding? Remembrance? Or just want to get some friends together? Blue Stone Journeys can create a special journey just for you and your fellow travelers.

For Ongoing Practice

Blue Stone Journeys offers a variety of multi-walk packages, such as a five-part series with each of the walks focused on one of the five senses or a four-part series taking advantage of all four seasons.  As with yoga, the more you practice the better your health.

The only way my journey could have been better is if Brad Pitt had led it!

Explorer, 6/16/18