How We Guide

Sense of Purpose

Imagine stepping outdoors — no computer, no phone, no ear buds. You, along with a few others, are in a circle, quietly standing. Over the course of two hours you are invited to listen, look, taste, smell and touch. Then you abruptly realize that under the defining noise of birds, crickets are chirping. You hadn’t heard them before. You ask yourself, “What else have I been missing?”

With Blue Stone Journeys outdoor nature therapy, you don’t miss a thing. Our guides are trained to give all of your senses a healthy workout. Through thoughtful ‘Invitations’, or suggestions, your Guide helps you re-connect to each of your five senses. You begin to notice more around you, and maybe even more within you.

Once everyone is settled in the circle, your Guide may invite you to close your eyes and focus on the sensations on your skin, or turn around to notice what is on the other side of the circle. From there, you will begin to walk.

The Guide chooses and prepares a land specially for your group based on what the group needs. Different pieces of land have different restorative properties and we work hard to find the best fit. The shinrin-yoku practice the Guide leads you through is always the same, however. You will spend time as a group in a circle in addition to exploring the land on your own. There will be one last circle before the group departs.

Your group will return home, as many of our participants have, feeling both calm and energized, lighter and grounded, carefree and focused. We also hear that participants feel far more productive after a journey with us. However you define productivity, Blue Stone Journeys wants to increase your capacity for making a difference.

I’ve guided over 100 journeys and my goal is always the same: To be a catalyst. Nature and I partner to create a space where you can feel free, supported and curious. From there you decide what journey you need and want. 

Kirsten Snow

Blue Stone Journeys Founder, 9/15/18